Sunday, July 10, 2011

सब कुछ यहाँ पर शेष है

इन बंधनों में बांधकर ना खुद को तू आश्रित बना,
इक बार इनको त्यागकर तू फिर से सपनो को सजा,
जिन बंधनों ने बांधकर तुझको बनाया स्वार्थी,
तू बह गया था भाव में, भूलकर जीवन का अर्थ ही,

था भर गया अश्रु-सागर,  टूटा  था सबर बाँध  भी ,
रोता रहा अकारण हृदय, उस सत्य- रुपी भ्रम में भी,
उठ, चल, की तू इंसान है , सीखेगा अपनी गलती से,
इंसान भी इंसान क्या जो जी सके बिन गलती के,

ना मेरी बात मान तू, बस अपने दिल की जान तू,
कुछ त्याग कर, परित्याग कर, अब तो संभल, पहचान तू,
इन अश्रुओं को रोक ले जो बह चले बिन अर्थ के,
"हम हैं तो है ये  जिंदगी", अब जी भी ले इस शर्त पे,  

है क्यों तू उनको खोजता, चलते रहे जो बिन तेरे,
बढ़कर तू उनको थाम ले जो अब भी तुझपे आश्रित हैं,
तू प्रेम-रुपी सत्य है, तू ही तो सर्व- श्रेष्ठ है,
विश्वास कर, अब तो समझ, सब कुछ यहाँ पर शेष है..!!

-अनुभा शुक्ला

(Written on Feb 10,2011) 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You can scold me for my silence,
And laugh at my challenging times,
I'll answer all your questions,
Just wait for me to shine.....

You can doubt at my existence,
And say all fault is mine,
I'll show you strong persistence,
Just wait for me to shine...

You closed the doors you ruled,
It's alright dear, It's fine,
I'll be ruling your destiny,
Just wait for me to shine.....

-penned by
Anubha Shukla

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Want To Know....

I want to know the truth of life,
the tears behind every smile,
Why some people are so unkind?
How can they leave their loved ones behind?
Why do we love them who never loved us?
Why couldn't we trust them who need our trust?
Why is life full of struggles?
Why can't we walk without any fumble?
Why do we prefer to live in darkness?
Where do we search for innate peacefulness?
Why hatred has dominated over love?
Why do people see each other as their foe?
Why do they kill brothers for the sake of religion?
Why can't they love them being a human?
Is this the way God wants us to live?
Do we think he is ever going to forgive?
I wish all of us put down the cruel swords..
If possible then my dears, don't disgrace our God.........

-Anubha Shukla
(written on 27th July 2008, just a day after Ahemdabad Blasts)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Walk through the moon,
And touch the sky,
Have so many wishes,
And stretch your wings to fly,
Aspire for the shining star,
Why to worry if it is too far,
Don’t lose heart n crave for it,
Live for it; strive for it,
Don’t hide yourself behind the bars,
Show the world who you are.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seeing your ignorance, it's hope which dies....

Seeing your ignorance, it's hope which dies....

With shivering soul and downcast eyes 
Will you listen if your nation cries?
It was neighbor's son who died in a battle,
Your son is fine why would you rattle?
Ignore the right until you aren't wrong,
let country be weakened why make it strong?
Enjoy the silence with withered wings,
Was this the dream of Bhagat Singh?
When names of Generals disclosed in scams,
Didn't Army miss another Sam?
No morals, no ethics, no accountability,
And we boast of our nuclear ability,
When a country is shadowed with black clouds,
Nobody is safe, don't preserve any doubt,
Neglect the reckoning call of your soil,
How will you escape from the  clutches of turmoil?
Ignore, escape and don't care a bit ,
Sooner or later you will sink with it,
Don't rise coz it needs strong feet,
Don't speak coz you are enjoying the treat,
The treat called 'freedom' bestowed on us,
We promised for better but made it worst,
They starved and died so that we could be freed,
But freedom is free for you and me,
With bleeding heart and tears in her eyes,
Seeing your ignorance, it's hope which dies....

-Penned by

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Views About A CRITIC !!!

  • Don't ever feel that nobody is noticing your 'good work'.....a CRITIC always keeps an eye on your work, doing his homework, in order to criticize it later........
  • Most of the time , We don't do the right becoz the majority believes in wrong.......
    Still you have to stand alone..stand strong and ignore the people hitting you on your back with their so called critical ability........
  • A CRITIC is someone who can not do a work  properly and then blames you for doing it in a better way....
  • You tell a CRITIC that you are done with your work and then he will tell you that this should haven't been done....
  • The funny part regarding a CRITIC is that you can easily get into his shoes but he can't get into yours......
..By Anubha!!!