Saturday, December 25, 2010

Emotions- Why Don't We Respect Them???

We are living in a world where people don't take time to change their priorities. They don't feel that there is anything wrong in not keeping commitments and the they don't feel important enough to invest into relationships which they have been gifted by God.People are used and misused by their owns.Disrespecting feelings is not a crime under any law.

Do all these things dishearten me? Yes they do! What I feel is, God gives each of us 24hrs a day.Nothing less or more than that. Is it so difficult to invest 10mins into people who are valuable to us? I do feel downhearted but then I promise to myself, I'll invest on people I love. I'll invest my time on them because their presence makes me what I am. I might not be perfect but I want to be a better human being.In this process of growing into a better person, we may get hurt many a times because people don't react the way we expect. But we need to deal with that as well.

Emotions have got a lot of potential. Potential  to move your  heart, potential to face anything that comes your way, potential to feel the importance of other people in your life, potential to  express yourself and potential to make you a responsible human being who is not only responsible for himself but for others as well. I agree, emotions do hurt us many a times, but it's upon you, whether to make a wall out them or a bridge to overcome the obstacles confronted by you.

While reading TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, I came across the philosophy of detachment.We need to learn to detach ourselves from emotions we are going through, either pleasant or unpleasant. It doesn't mean you should not experience them. It is necessary to feel the things but it's even more important to detach yourself from what you feel because you can not afford to ruin your life. Life is precious....Keep it so..!!!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Allow Me To Sink With My Belief!!!

Many a times in life we confront a situation when nobody believes our thoughts.Our own loved ones put a question mark on our ideas and in turn question our existence.We want to do something but they want us to do something else which as per their view is more secure, is more comfortable and is more reliable. They have their own reasons to support what they say, We have just one thing- A Belief!!!!

I know only one thing-If there's something that runs through your soul and your heart believes in,then don't stop yourself and do it.....The maximum damage that can happen to you is- You may fail, but dear you will be answerable to yourself...Trust me dear, Nobody will respect your beliefs if you don't respect them.It's better to do and fail rather than doing nothing and creep....!!A certain amount of discomfort is indispensable.

You just need to say loudly to yourself-
I believe in my most stupid, silliest and impossible dream even when nobody supports me because at last it's me who will either swim or sink and no one else......!!!!!! I'll prefer to sink with my belief rather than to swim indifferently with your Ideas...The only favor you can do to me is-
Please Let Me Sink.........!!!!!


Friday, December 10, 2010

The emptiness in me!

a smiling face,
and a blessed me,
these are the things,
that you always see,
my positive wits,
my words when knit,
you always adore,
and like them for sure,
my dream to excel,
and planning so well,
the things I possess,
my 'virtues' I guess,
But deep inside me,
there is something to see,
my helplessness, my tears,
my heart,choked with fear,
an urge for care and love,
a “conscience” far above,
yearnings to learn n live,
to be forgiven n forgive,
sometimes a wish to flee,
when not loved by thee,
my vulnerability when I see,
the 'innocence' killed by thee,
when people ruin the 'peace',
how empty I feel in me,
I wish anyone could see,
That 'emptiness' in me……

Anubha! Dec. 14, 08

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Instant Dealing With A Failure!

Today it was someone else's time, tomorrow it will be yours. Needless to say , success and failure are the two faces of the coin termed as Life!
We are delighted when we succeed but what when confronted by a failure? It's our obvious reaction to welcome success and unwelcome the setbacks. My question here is why don't we learn instant dealing with a failure and try to embrace it gracefully?
It may need a small commitment from our side but it certainly is possible.

There is a belief that governs my life's philosophy- "The ultimate purpose of this life bestowed on us is to be a better person with each passing day"
Now, how could I become a better person if I smile from heart when i receive what I want but cry aloud at a small defeat or disappointment????
What's our instant reaction when being fired, separated, bankrupted, faced by market shifts or lost a relationship????
Why is it too difficult to smile and come out through these exits?

Many people blame me for being extremely optimistic and say- "It may sound good but is against human nature or it is not practical"....
I just want to ask one question to them-"what the hell is human nature?"
Human nature is what you made out of yourself. Earlier it was a human nature to kill their own species for food. Haven't we evolved since then? Then why can't we evolve as a person? Why don't we become responsible towards our lives?
Take the charge of your life and make yourself believe that "it's my life and I chose to smile at it....."

We worsen our problems by taking them too seriously. Here, I must make this clear that I am not a supporter of IGNORANCE. I just want to convey that
attack your problem & find a solution but carry a smile on your face and unburden your heart while doing so. When you can find something funny in your circumstances, you can make your exit gracious...Try it!

Our life is a wheel with different spokes. Don't lose on it when a spoke is broken. Concentrate on the spokes still left. Always remember,
You might be defeated temporarily but your soul becomes unconquerable once you learn to laugh when a spoke of life is broken!

Just Keep pushing, keep working, keep believing & keep smiling......


-by Anubha (Anu)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Words for Indian Army!!!

They say ARMY people are HEARTLESS..but they forget the human inside the men wearing OLIVE GREENS....Infact they are the most romantic guyz coz they fall in love even with the smallest piece of LAND like THE 2'/2' DEFENCE POST in some deserted mountain or in some dense jungle to such an extent that they are ready to give away their lives for IT!!!! what say????


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Dusshera!!!

Dusshera, also known as Vijaydashmi signifies the victory of truth & good over evil.This day is just an example that reflects that no matter how powerful Evil seems but ultimately truth wins the battle of DHARMA!!!!
WE burn RAVAN (the evil) on this day. Ages have gone and faces of Ravan have changed. If I am allowed to be a bit harsh with my words, I would say, Ravans are roaming freely in our country just because it's illegal to shoot them.

I have tried to recognize the 10 faces of Ravan as follows:

Ignorance (towards need of education).
Anti-national movements.
Dirty politics.
Nonfunctional judiciary.

We need to burn these 10 faces today.May Lord Rama gives us a conscience and strength to fight against these challenges and make our India a better place to live.

Lets take a pledge today that we will burn the Ravan within ourselves. We will kill all the negative feelings such as hatred, jealousy, castes-ism, selfishness that are enemies of humanity.

The great republic of India has always been an epitome of tolerance and love. lets celebrate to be a part of such a great country.May peace prevails in our lives, May god showers all his blessings on us.....happy Dusshera to all......!!!!

by Anu!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Similarities b/w Love and Indian Politics!!!

Two similarities b/w Love and Indian Politics??????

1.Both do not require any educational qualification.
2.Both are injurious to health.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Power of Thoughts!!!

So strange thoughts are....They make you laugh, they make you cry...they confuse you sometimes,they put question mark on your existence n sometimes they answer all your questions....!!! You can call them a memory or a particular feeling but all these things originate in the form of a THOUGHT!!!!

In a particular day, approx. 60,000 thoughts come into our's a fact n not just my imagination.They make our life and at the same time are capable of destroying it completely.
I wonder when people say that situations and not thoughts transform our life..!!!!

Don't you think we should be a little considerate towards them after realizing their power????????
We should be a little if not much watchful about what thoughts enter into our minds.You can choose how to react to circumstances by managing your thoughts..Believe me, it's possible....!!!

To keep our body fit and fine, we take so much of care...we eat right food, we perform regular exercises n so on........But what do we do to keep our mind fit and fine??????? NOTHING!!!..
Mind is the thing that differentiates us from animals and we take this power for granted....
Can we afford to do so??
How can I be so ignorant towards such a powerful gift of mine?????
My only point is to recognize the role of thoughts in our life and at least give 10 mins. a day to strengthen the lush garden of my mind!!!
Read right books, go for silent contemplation, meet the right people who can nourish your mind with positive n fruitful beliefs..
It's needed to be the person you always wanted to be.
It's needed to keep on walking towards your dream.
It's needed to live a satisfied life inspite of it's uncertainties.
Be the person you admire the most...
Be an inspiration for others rather than just a victim of circumstances.
Do it for yourself n no one else..javascript:void(0)

Always remember,
"Your thoughts can change Your SCARS into STARS"

James Allen rightly said,

"Man is made or unmade by himself, in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection and by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character and Man is the maker and master""

by Anubha!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Words By God!!

Whenever I wana quit like common men,
God holds my hand and answers through my pen-

"Courage is the thing that keeps you apart,
Bravo dear, you deserve a hero's march,
smile with heart when want to bridle,
Enjoy the path usually less traveled....."


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keep Playing!!

Play hard on this life's card,
Put desires under your feet,
Be reckless and silly at times,
None of us was meant to defeat..!!!


Friday, July 9, 2010


I believe that life should be lead like writing a good poem. Let the things happen naturally,keep on observing,concentrate on the vocabulary, let your true self expressed out and the product will be certainly beautiful....!!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Don't Quit....By Edgar A. Guest

When the things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must- BUT DON”T YOU QUIT!

Life is Queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometime learns,
And may a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out,
Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow,
You might succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt-
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
Si stick to the fight when you are hardest hit,
It’s when things get worse that you MUSTN’T QUIT!!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thought Of The Day.....!!

I Just Found Out That Decisions That Are Based Only On Fascination Are Meant to Be Regretted Sooner Or Later!!!!!..:)

says Anu..!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


"Never Deprive People Of Hope, It May Be Everything They Have"

I wana add one more point to it..Never deprive anyone of dreamz and hope...When everything is lost,hopes & dreamz keep us alive..You can find people who give you philosophical positive statements at tough times...You can also find them irritating at times just because they are not in your shoes. They can't understand your situation.They can be sympathetic to you but can't be empathetic.

But you know what frnds..these positive people are much better than those who try to kill your dreamz by offering negative statements.
Personally, I try my best to talk to the optimistic people at challenging times and if I don't get any suitable person...I prefer to rely on books..!!

I call it "challenging times" and not "Bad times"..because these times are actually not bad..they are challenging ones..
It's on you how to react to them..
How you prove yourself at failures...
How you feel when you don't get the things you truly deserve...
It's a challenge to be hopeful and dream again....
It's a challenge to stand up again after defeats...
Are you falling prey to negative thoughts such as jealousy, hatred, pessimism etc, after a setback, disappointment or some extremely hurting experience..??

"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up."
says, Anne Lamott!!

And if I talk about myself...

I may live,
Or I may die,
I may creep,
Or I may fly,
I may laugh,
Or I may cry,
Hopes are alive,
Hopes Never Die! :)

says Anu!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You Are Not The Weakest !!

There is a small story I want to share with everyone. The story goes like this.......

Once upon a time all the rabbits living in a forest were very sad because the carnivores used to kill them and eat them up. They were extremely worried & depressed at the thought of living a risky life that can turn into a disrespectful ending anytime. They decided to put their life to an end as they were so weak to fight against the animals who were killing them. The leader of the rabbits declared that all of them will go for suicide and end their lives by jumping into the nearby lake as there was no other solution to their problem. When all of them were running towards the lake, just then they saw that all the frogs jumped into the lake as they were scared of rabbits.
The leader of rabbits shouted, “NOBODY WILL SUICIDE, These Frogs Are Weaker Than Us, If They Are Not Dying Why Should We?????”

And in this way, rabbits realized that they are not the weakest; there are species that are weaker than them and still living without running away from their problems.
Many a times, we feel that God has been too unfair to us; we possess all the problems of the world. Destiny kills our dreams, our loved ones leave us, we lose someone we loved in an accident, cheated by someone we trusted, or we are going through a financial crisis; we assume that bad luck only hits us. We are the most suffered.

But the reality is truly different.
Just move your eyes and try to realize that there exists someone who has much bigger problems than you are facing. You are certainly not the WEAKEST.

Say 'Thanks'to everyone who left you when you needed them the most, because of them you realized your limitless strength and did everything on your own. Feel blessed for unfulfilled small dreams...because god wants you to achieve something bigger that you actually deserve. Definitely in any way, you will become a better person, a much stronger person that you would ever had imagined.

By living, you have a possibility to win against odds, but by choosing death, you kill all the positive possibilities by yourself. Now, do you want to be a WINNER or a KILLER?????? The choice is completely yours!!!!!



I Can Be Weak At Times But I Am Not As Kind To Blame Myself For the Mistakes Of Others...!!!!!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Waiting For The Sunshine!

Although my faith is crying,
Although the hopes are dying,
Although the eyes are sighing,
What kind of heart is mine,
Still waiting for the sunshine......


Thursday, May 27, 2010

This is what i feel!!

You can break me into pieces,
You may leave me alone,
But you can not kill the dreamz,
You can't make me to mourn.

by Anu!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Far I'll Go??????????

I don't know
How far I'll go
As I don't let
Any limitation to grow.

I can expect
What is unexpected
I can embrace
That people neglect.

I have learned
How to walk
Nothing can ever
Make me to stop.

But I'll make sure
To be kind on my way
And preserve loving-thoughts
As great men say.

Someday i'll reap
What i sow
But I don't know
How far I'll go...................

By Anu!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Another weekend is going to end....!!
This week was quite challenging blend with so many emotions...

I was just thinking,how a dream becomes everything for us..Our dream becomes more important than our life...We give our 100% but are always scared of the results. A dissatisfaction lies within us until we achieve what we wish for...This whole process is really breathtaking...!!
You know when we are the most dis-hearted?
........When we are not able to execute our plans well due to circumstances..!!

A friend of mine once told me that people who believe that something inside them is more superior than circumstances are the real winners and achieve what they really wish for!!

Shall I trust that 'something' and live my dream????......

Nobody can dare to say NO buddy.....!!!!


Don't worry and fret,faint hearted,
The chances have just begun,
The best jobs haven't been started,
The best work hasn't been done....

Life is utterly precious, and if your dream is more sacred & precious than your life, then the only thing you have to do is- LIVE YOUR DREAM!!

Do it for yourself and nobody else...At the end, you won't like yourself saying...."I DIDN'T TRY WELL"....!!Do whatever you can do...don't leave a single door of opportunity remain all the doors....Whatever be the best for you, will come to you......God is absolutely generous.....I TRULY BELIEVE!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Three Things You Can Blindly Trust ON!

What i have tasted of my desire and experience,there are only three things in life that never leave you.
Regardless of your circumstances and mood,they remain with you and are always ready to help you out.
They will stay by your side in every situation.
They will never say that we are getting bored of you.
They will listen to you till eternity.

These three precious gifts are:


Everyday we try to please people,but i assure you, if you will start loving these three things you will never feel dis-hearted in your life. Even in the worst situation they will stand by your side. Make them your friends forever, you will never be cheated, I can bet on this.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Now Man Is Bigger Than Almighty,
Why Do We Always Think Of Society,
Society Kills The Emotions Of Man,
Reasons Of Heart It Never Understands!!!..

by Anu!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Significance of 'GROWTH'...!!

It's 1am right now and the reason why I haven't gone to bed till now can only be-THOUGHTS!!!!!

I was just thinking that how our life keeps on changing.....Every minute is different....and when we see ourselves after every 6 months...we are different human beings...changed a bit if not much...we are growing...not only in terms of physical appearance..there is something growing inside us...deep within us.!

Whether you are running a business, performing a job or working on a relationship with the person you love; to make anything successful a slow and steady GROWTH is needed and that GROWTH demands your efforts.Never deny possibilities.There is always a possibility to learn new things irrespective of the job you are in.When you feel that you know everything about your job, then ponder into your true self and ask...Do i really know everything or there is any possibility to grow???....Mark my words dear...There is a possibility..!!!..May be you need to change your place or the style of doing your work,but surely..there are some positive possibilities waiting for you on the other side of the door...Personally...being a writer,I really feel that I have lot to learn..I don't know 1% about writing...I keep on searching ways to write well..and meeting the right people who can help me out in doing so...
and you know what??? attract the things you really need...I said,the things you 'need' and not you 'wish'....Wishes may misguide you..but needs are always fulfilled...GOD is really generous in this regard.

Well, we will talk some other day on how you attract the things you really need, right now our concern is GROWTH.
I wonder when people start taking relationships for granted. Whether it is a relationship between a son-father, between two lovers, husband-wife or between two friends...!!!
They always see the practical side of everything..You might have heard people saying, that they love someone but they are so pissed off with their jobs and businesses that they can't do anything to improve their relation with that 'special person'
I just want to put up only one question.....
Does your business keep on flourishing when you stop making any effort????????????

Just growing in business is not enough, GROWTH in relationships is equally important.
You need to make that person feel your care and love for him/her...If you love your parents, let them know..Do something for them you haven't done before...Even if they had always scolded you but your heart knows how much you love them...All of us need to understand that the people we love are not God, if we will not express to them what we feel how could they ever be able to know?????

Whenever growth stops....everything starts losing its charm and effectiveness,whether its your business or any relationship.Keep on making efforts to flourish...!!

Keep Growing,
Keep Loving,
Keep smiling...:)


Monday, March 22, 2010

Rudyard Kipling's ' IF'........!! (a simple poem but more than a poem......)


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sometimes we are so confused with our lives that we start questioning our existence.....
What am I doing?
Why I am doing this?
How could I react like this?
What do I really want in life?
What do I want just now?
How could anyone behave like this?
What can make me happy???

These are just a few question marks from the huge list of questions that remain unsolved in our minds but are not inactive.....they make you die every minute..every second...
When you are happy you wana cry,this confusion leads you nowhere.....

You want to escape the confusion
That you see before you.
I tell you, you will never be able
To escape the outer confusion
Unless and until
You have escaped the inner confusion.
And the inner confusion
Is your continuous doubt-indulgence.

I Don't know what to say...what to do...

This time wana remain silent ..go on to my hibernation is a wonder in itself..that an extremely talkative person like me remains silent sometimes...!! but its true...sometimes silence is the best answer to a million of question marks....!!!


Monday, March 15, 2010

My Favorite Poem Written By Robert Frost!

Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

If It's Going To Be, It's Up To Me!

"When the going gets tough,the tough get going. When the roads are rough, the Rough rise to the occasion.
They Win,
They Survive,
They Come out on Top."

Today I have pasted these lines on the wall of my room. I have done it many a times,if something touches my mind and heart and if I think that would be helpful for the lush garden of my mind, I write it on a piece of paper and paste it on my wall,from where I could see that just to entertain my mind with positive thoughts only..But that's not the point to be discussed here....

I wanna discuss something else.
Earlier I used to think that the people who are said to be "God's child" suffer the least.They get everything they need in hand.A God's Child is the blessed one. But when I actually saw the world around me, I found that a real God's child suffers the most but never feels down.He is like a PHOENIX BIRD, who knows how to fly again after being burned to ashes.God's children never take adversities as an excuse, rather they break the backbone of adversity that comes on their way and come out as better human beings...They are blessed with the adversities but they are the most blessed people.....They Just Keep on telling themselves that.......

If It's Going To Be, It's Up To Me!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Having flaws!!

To have flaws is not such a bad thing. Its good to have some flaws in you.Don't ever regret these.
I personally feel that If you are perfect, you don't have chances to improve.But with flaws you have got lot of potential to improve. Love your flaws and lead towards perfection. Constantly work for it because perfection is not a destination.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Love the questions!!!

Sometimes we need to accept the things the way they are with a faith in our heart that whatever happens, happens for Good!!We can't put a question mark on certain things.We need to be patient with everything that remains unsolved in our heart and try to love the questions.You can not get the answers right now because you can't live them.

I have read somewhere:

Dear God,
Give me serenity to accept the things i can't change,
Strength to change the things I can and
wisdom to know the difference!!!

I would add one more line to it...
Dear God,please don't ever let my faith to move!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stepping Out Of Comfort Zone!

I have heard that"To achieve something needs to come out of ones comfort zone n face the real challenges..!!!!!...." I don't insure myself of any big achievement..but yes....I have come out of my comfort zone now!!!!


Thursday, February 25, 2010


I wonder how can people afford to satisfy their egosssssssssssss..............becos ego always works against us no matter how much we try to love it.........!!
I don't understand what's the problem in bending down in front of the people you love and care for by keeping unnecessary attitude aside even when you are right......I feel you can keep only one among the two with you....either your ego or the people you love...and the choice is completely yours.....!!!


Saturday, February 6, 2010


Whether i am right or am i wrong??
Feeling of confusion is getting so strong..
Stream of my life is harshly flowing..
Walked a lot but where am i going?????


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Adventures in India!!!

Adventures in India

Adventures in India attract not only local tourists but also the judicious international tourists because of the adventure opportunities Indian adventures offer. Safaris,Wildlife camps,Trekking,climbing,Camping,River rafting,Biking and cycling are some of the adventures in India which make India one of the most sought-after adventure destinations.Adventures in India can be encapsulated as adventures in air,water,on snow and on land.India has got innumerous hot-spots namely Himalayas, auli,Kangra Valley,Shimla,Jim Corbet,Manali and many more where you can luxuriate in various adventure sports.Whether you are water crazy or love to play skiing on the slopes covered with snow, adventures in India have a place for everyone.Despite of being a cultural tourist destination for several years,India is doing well in fascinating adventure -lovers from across the globe.Solang Valley,which is a splendid valley between Manali and kothi is equipped with excellent skiing slopes, is one of the best examples of exhilarating place for adventures in India.Besides winter sports;aero sports like gliding, blooning, Para giding and water sports like scuba diving and back water cruise are the major adventures in India that make this country a perfect escapade destination for innumerous die-hard adventure enthusiasts.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


One more effort went in vain,
One more desire cried in rain,
I know success does exist,
One just need to persist....